Cowboy Blob's Saloon and Shootin Gallery

I'm not a real Cowboy, but I play one in the movies.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Board Game? Hell!

Training tool!



Thursday, February 28, 2008

Joe Sumnida

Effluent's No Man's Blog got serviced by this Google Ad.

Santa Maria!


Owie Update 2

Took the bandage/splint off for good today. I can make a fist without much pain, but fine motor skills like twisting off the cap on a bottle of rum kinda hurt. One of my smoke detectors is chirping at me now and then to remind me to change the battery. That'll be a challenge.

Now, back to that rum....


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


A Gilbert business (Cavalry Gun Manufacturing) was raided by federal officials Wednesday on suspicion of fraud and money laundering.



You and me both, Mate

I'm only #2 result for this search. I better get cracking.


Missed it by THAT much

Know the Difference

Sure, the pedantic would argue there's no Marlboro in NASCAR.

More pics here.

h/t ACTS Forum

...and kiddies, smoking's bad for you.

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Thanx, Lil Bro

For finding someone clumsier than I am.

After my fall, Jon remarked that I had a look of concern on my face as I was falling. I had time to be concerned because my finger was already out of the trigger guard. Well, it was a long stumble, too, so I wasn't surprised to hit the ground....


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Owie Update

Kinda convinced there's no break in the hand; there's been no swelling at all, not even discoloration. I took it out of the bandage/splint today; I can flex and extend the fingers just fine but it hurts when I try to touch my thumb and pinky finger together. So don't do that!

I'm almost disappointed, since this episode was typical for every other time I've broken a bone:

  1. Hand, broken in playground fight -- played a game of football afterwards.
  2. Ankle, broken stepping off a curb on the way home from track practice. Walked about 100 yards until Mom happened to drive by. Never Xrayed, it was treated as a sprain by the school trainer who was impressed with Mom's bandaging job. Ten years later, I'd turn the same ankle stepping off a bowling platform (I finished the game rather painfully); the Xray the next day detected the old break.
  3. Arm (radius), after I went over my bike handle bars -- I thought I'd sprained my wrist, since that's what hit the pavement. I biked halfway around Sahuaro National Park afterwards. Wrapped the hand and wrist, but I woke just before midnight with a swollen elbow.
What would a doctor have done, given a positive Xray? Splint it and give me painkillers? I doesn't hurt when I don't move it. I'll keep it immobilized for the rest of the week. I've got two weeks until the next match.


Kinda Prophetic, huh?

Made this last year for GOP & the City.

I can't believe John Gibson on FNC lamenting the white female vote going to Barack and not Hillary!:

"Where are the white women voters?"

That could've been such a Blazing Saddles moment.

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Gunblogger PDB

Monday, February 25, 2008

Ham Dog


Weekend Caption/Photoshop Contest

Sticky until Monday
Got a caption or photoshop for this AFP picture? You could win a coveted Blog Ad on my side bar!

US President George W. Bush reviews troops after speaking at the Barclay Training Center in Monrovia. Bush on Thursday wrapped up an emotional five-country Africa tour in Liberia, having doled out more than one billion dollars in aid and redoubled promises of lasting friendship.
(AFP/Mandel Ngan) via Yahoo!

Leave a caption or photo link in comments, or Email a pic to me at the address in my profile. If you're sending a large animation, please provide a hot-linkable URL.

You need not own a blog to win! I'll advertise your favorite charity, web site, or even your regifted Kwanzaa fruitcakes!

Check out the links in Drinks Ordered for photoshops!

Judging begins Monday PM.

Anonymous Lil Bro said...

Red Rover, Red Rover, send Condi on over!

Other Contests:

Support Your Local Gunfighter (1st place last week! What a coincidence!)
Gone Rick Motel
Outside the Beltway
Public Pondering


Gas Piston Fan

Gary is not only the hardest working member of the Phoenix Rod and Gun Club, he's also a sponsored shooter for Patriot Ordnance, maker of BoG2's upper and Jon's new carbine. Sweet gig to have. Maybe if Jon places well next month, they'll cut him a deal too. And maybe they'll give me some schwag to compete with someone else's rifle. ;)


Jurassic Wisconsin

Granted, it's a sample ballot....


PHX R&GC 3-Gun Match

Sunday was the first of three "alternative" matches Jon and I are trying in order to spin up the skills before the Superstition 3-Gun. The PR&GC hosted four challenging stages for our enjoyment; I would be challenged a great deal more than I would enjoy.

The match used a free format for squadding (like Cactus does), but we dropped out of the big clump of shooters on the steel stage, because that was gonna take forever. We moved next door to an unoccupied pistol/rifle stage and moved smartly along. Unfortunately, since we were ROing each other, I didn't get any video. That's a shame, because you missed the chance to watch me do a violent stumble forward where I trashed my elbow, skinned my knee, and quite possibly broke my left hand. I saved the rifle, though, and finished the match a hurtin' puppy. I'm typing this one-handed; got it all aced up and iced down occasionally. No major swelling yet, so it could be just a bad strain. I'll get a doc to look at it tomorrow if I don't feel improvement.

Anyway, about that first stage... Match Director Gary, a shootin' buddy of ours from waay back, had a major jones for pistol accuracy. We twice engaged an array of tiny, resetting pistol steel silhouettes, then transitioned to carbine for a run & gun. That's when I did run & crunch & gun. Finished 7th of eight Tac/Scopers.

Our #2 stage was shotgun only; 24 stationary clay pigeons spread out over a coupla acres of desert wash, bushes, and field. Two slug targets beckoned at the far end. Out of eight shooters in my class, I finished ahead of two others despite my handicap.

Our #3 stage was two Texas Stars and two plate racks (22 total targets) with one string pistol only, another string shotgun only. Since I couldn't draw a pistol mag and slap it home without screaming in agony, I laid my reload on the table and banged the mag bottom on the table to seat it. Good thing I didn't have to pump the Benelli. Finished 5th in my class.

Our last stage was four resetting steel at 100 yards and eight steel gongs at 200 yards... just the thing to prepare for the Superstition! Uh oh... we gotta shoot them all once from two separate locations? Ouch! That hurt! I had a very sloppy weld from prone and discovered my EOTech was off a skosh at 200; I also took a miss on my very last shot because accessing and painfully seating my third mag wasn't worth the trouble. Yeah I had lotsa misses, but I still finished 5th in my class.

I shot this match with BoG2, my gas-piston AR, which I left in Glendale so my gunsmith can install the muzzle brake for me (again). Jon crushed the Tac/Scope division and even beat the top Open gunner on the long-range steel. I finished 6th well behind the veteran lady gunner trying 3-Gun for her first time. My next matches will be done with the Bushy, which I'm using in the big match.

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Survey Sez

Help a PhD candidate out by taking his survey, will ya?

The purpose of this survey is to examine how people think and feel about the political issues, parties, and candidates in the upcoming election. In the survey, you will be asked a series of questions about two political candidates, John McCain and Hillary Clinton. We are very interested in how individuals that find information on the web think about politics, and your participation would be greatly appreciated. In total, the survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous and you can skip any questions you do not wish to answer.

Survey Here.


Today's Nyuk

h/t to Jayhawker

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Bat Plane Down

In Guam.

Crew got out, thankfully.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Spot the Perv



Grant Hill and Shaq! in Phoenix Suns uniforms? We're going all the way, baby! It's nice to be able to root for Shaquille O'Neal now; the Lakers were/are the only team in the West I will boo heartily, and I couldn't root for Miami, since they're all East Scum!

My love for the San Antonio Spurs has not diminished, though. I'd love to see the Suns and Spurs go to the playoffs 1-2 to crown the team to slaughter the Weak East.


Thursday, February 21, 2008


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Washington's Birthday Match

One match I'd like to try some day is the Washington's Birthday High Power Match at Ben Avery. The Cactus League usually sends a few teams, but Jon and I, long-gun enthusiasts that we are, have never taken the plunge. Must be something about staying still while we're shooting.

Here's some Gun Pr0n viewed at the match, the "quietest and loudest."

The scores are here.


Wednesday Weasel

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Quick Ones Okay?


Celebrate Diversity?

A little homogeneity's good, too.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Greetings to Humble, Texas

Number 250k surfed in from Software Management & Assoc., was not impressed, and moved on. Okay, I'm slumping this week.

A quarter of a million visitors since 11 Sep 04! Thanks for stopping by, y'all!


The Wierdest Things

Remind me of Dad.

When we were kids, we'd watch Dad in his power tool-bedecked shop. "Whatcha makin'?" we'd ask.

"A dead baby box."


And he wondered why he had to practically force me to take wood shop in high school.

Alphecca reminded me this morning that musician Roy Clark is still pickin' and grinnin'. Dad always watched Hee Haw whenever it was on and I remember being impressed whenever Roy would play something masterful on the guitar, mandolin, or banjo.

Sonuva-BusDriver Update: Tonight Dirty Jobs showed the episode specializing in "tight spaces" where Mike did my Dad's USAF job, crawling around inside KC-135 fuel tanks! It always amazed me that Dad could fit in that tight little hatch.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Weekend Caption/Photoshop Contest

Sticky until Monday
Got a caption or photoshop for this Associated Press picture? You could win a coveted Blog Ad on my side bar!

A performer, disguised as a dinosaur, jokes with a woman during carnival celebrations at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)

Leave a caption or photo link in comments, or Email a pic to me at the address in my profile. If you're sending a large animation, please provide a hot-linkable URL.

You need not own a blog to win! I'll advertise your favorite charity, web site, or even your old Barney tapes!

Check out the links in Drinks Ordered for photoshops!

Judging begins Monday PM.


A thin field this week, but Wyatt Earp rides to the winner's circle after fathering a new son and dropping the oldest political joke in existence: "John McCain 'polls the electorate' in Rio."

Other Contests:
Public Pondering (1st Place last week!)
Support your Local Gunfighter-Daddy (3rd Place last week!)
One photoshop

(Use your mouse to tune)
Gone Rick Motel
Outside the Beltway
Right Pundits


Sunday, February 17, 2008


I got Nothing

Woke up Saturday morning and saw a pond in my back yard. The sky was overcast. I called the Pima Pistol Club Range Master, who told me the wash crossing the range road was wet, but not running YET. None of the ACTS folks had showed up by then. I farted around and finally just said to heck with it. Turns out nine shooters did show up and put on a four stage match. I sure feel like a pussy now.

The *$@%ing cowboys have screwed up the Cactus League's match schedule for Feb. and March, so I'd better get off my butt and practice somewhere. Jon's found some alternative matches at Rio Salado and South Mountain, and PPC has a tactical rifle match on their calendar I might have to check out. But not in the rain.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Heh, heh, Scully!




Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's a Boy!

Or as the Koreans would say, "Kochu!"


You're in all my thoughts


Spot the Millionaire

Happy V Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ya had ta see the movie...


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't Honk




Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend Caption/Photoshop Contest

Sticky until Monday
Got a caption or photoshop for this picture? You could win a coveted Blog Ad on my side bar!

Leave a caption or photo link in comments, or Email a pic to me at the address in my profile. If you're sending a large animation, please provide a hot-linkable URL.

You need not own a blog to win! I'll advertise your favorite charity, web site, or even your freshly steam-cleaned outdoor statuary!

Check out the links in Drinks Ordered for photoshops!

Judging begins Monday PM.


Serr8d of The Cutting Edge wins with a Photoshop! Go there and see it!

Other Contests:

Support Your Loco Gunfighter
Gone Rick Motel

Right Pundits
Outside the Beltway
Public Pondering
Blonde Sagacity


Duelling Thermometers

Left, South Tamaqua PA before sunrise. Right, Tucson AZ bathed in the setting sun.

I win.


Wish I thunk of it....

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fun in the Snow

The Mittenstate ACTS chapter fielded 22 snowcats for their monthly match. I notice they only erected three stages (they usually do four); I imagine the snow/ice may have rendered the other bay unsafe for movement.

Looks like fun, though. If you have a thermos of hot chocolate handy between stages.



Visits Since September 11, 2004