Boy, howdy, it was a windy one! I couldn't even wear my hat for half the match! Of course, constant wind means steel was set extra hard, so europellet fans like Jon were hatin' life. My stages were accepted as written, but differed from the concept a bit in problem; it was a fun match!
Stage One: Don't Ask William Tell
Pistol: Start Position: Standing in Box A, normal ready.
On start signal, draw and engage P1 through P6 and T1 through T4. From Box B, engage P7 through P15. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Pistol/Shotgun - Start Position: Standing in Box A, normal ready. Loaded shotgun on table, safety on.
On start signal, draw and engage P1 through P6 and T1 through T4. Ground safed/empty pistol on table and with shotgun engage P7 through P11. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.

Cowboy Pistol/Shotgun - Start Position: Standing in Box A, normal ready. Loaded second pistol and shotgun on table, safety on.
On start signal, draw and engage P1 through P6 and T1 through T4. Ground empty pistols on table. If rounds remain, engage steel from Box B. With shotgun, engage remaining steel. Paper targets require one hit to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Stage Two: Apology for Stage One
Pistol - Start position: Standing At Table A normal ready, loaded pistol in holster.
On start signal, engage in any order T1 through T6 and P1 through P11. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Pistol/Shotgun - Start Position: Standing At Table A normal ready, loaded pistol in holster. Loaded shotgun grounded on Table.
On start signal, engage T1 through T6. Engage P1 through P11 with pistol or shotgun. Ground safed/empty pistol to switch to shotgun. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.

Cowboy Pistol/Shotgun - Start position: Standing At Table A normal ready, loaded pistol in holster. Loaded second pistol and shotgun grounded on Table.
On start signal, engage T1 through T6. Engage P1 through P11 with pistol or shotgun. Ground safed/empty pistols to switch to shotgun. Paper targets require one hit to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Stage Three - End Run
Pistol - Start position: Seated at Table A with elbows on table, loaded pistol in holster.
On start signal, in any order, engage T1 through T5 and P1 through P5 from Table A, and T6 through T8 from Box B. Each paper target requires two hits to neutralize. All steel must fall.
Pistol/Rifle - Start postion: Seated at Table A with elbows on table, loaded pistol in holster. Rifle on table, mag loaded but with an open or closed bolt on empty chamber.
On start signal, in any order, with pistol engage T1 through T5 and P1 through P5 from Table A, ground unloaded or safed pistol. In Box B, chamber a round and with rifle, engage R1 through R12. Each paper target requires two hits to neutralize. All steel must fall.
Cowboy Pistol/Rifle - Start postion: Seated at Table A with elbows on table, loaded first pistol in holster, loaded second pistol grounded on table. Rifle on table, mag loaded but with closed bolt on empty chamber, pointed downrange.
On start signal, in any order, with pistol engage T1 through T5 and P1 through P5 from Table A, Ground pistols on table as they become empty. Modern sixguns with transfer-bar safeties may be grounded uncocked if rounds remain. In Box B, chamber a round and with rifle, engage R1 through R12. Paper targets require one hit to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Stage Four: One Riot, One Ranger
Pistol - Start position: Standing at Table with hand on holstered pistol.
On start signal, draw and engage T1 through T10. Each target requires two hits to neutralize.
Pistol/Rifle - Start position: Standing at Table with hand on holstered pistol. Loaded rifle on table, safety on.
On start signal, draw and engage T1 through T10. Ground safed or empty pistol. With rifle, engage T1 through T10 with at least one round in the head and P1 through P5. Each target requires two pistol and two rifle hits to neutralize. All steel must fall.
Cowboy Pistol/Rifle - Start position: Standing at Table with hand on holstered pistol. Loaded second pistol and rifle (loaded magazine but empty chamber) on table.

On start signal, draw and engage T1 through T10 with pistols, then rifle. Ground pistols as they become empty. Each target requires two hits (either pistol or rifle) to neutralize.

Oh, did I do? Well, it'll probably take a week or two for the league to post the scores, but I'm confident that I didn't suck, at least. I had very few penalties to amplify my relatively slow times; jeez, you should have seen Jon blaze away with his competition Glock 9mm and Benelli semi-auto. The only comparable equipment we shot were iron-sighted Colt HBARs...Jon did well enough that his bonuses dropped some of his times down to single-digits or minuses. I've got to stop comparing myself to Jon; it can get downright depressing.