I boarded the scurvy-dog Yard-Pirates' meeting and beat them down with me logic and a bloody great cutlass. To celebrate me victory, I sailed yonder to the grocery-pirates of Safeway and plundered a bottle of rum and a stack of tuber pies...Pringles, I heard 'em called. I woulda sprung for the premium Captain Morgan, but I was lackin' doubloons...fortunately I remembered me first mate's old phone number, so they didn't cheat me so much.
Mmm...rum and tuber pies!
At 3:25 PM,
El Capitan said…
I have to say... I am sorely tempted to rework that cutlass a bit, then go have this pirate lass embedded in my epidermis at the local tattoo parlor.
Bravo on the excellent pirate pics!
At 10:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aye, them yard pirates are a troublesome lot, matey, deservin' no quarter. I'm hopin ye made em walk the plank!
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