A Mass-Murder Primer
You're on a one-way trip to message delivery; don't waste unnecessary money on name brand magazines for the weapons you've chosen for your mission. Get the cheaper Korean knock-offs. Magazines are a point of failure, so go with a few large ones, rather than the smaller 10-rounders you'll probably fumble away.
Spend the money you saved on ammo magazines on THE killing machine, a Saiga drum-fed shotgun fresh out of the box. Don't bother feeding single shells into a clunky old farmer's tool like the Remington 870... who excels at mass murder like the Russians and Chinese?
Speaking of which, load up on quality but super-cheap ammo from Wolf and NORINCO. I still have a stash of both I'm saving for my own spree... or the Zombie Apocalypse (whichever comes first).
Do not invest in ballistic armor... it might protect for a second, but it hurts like a mo-fo when hit. Triple the doses of your prescription meds, instead.
And Don't, for heavens sake, go out to the range and practice shooting! Recreational shooting is a known source of stress relief... you wouldn't want to mellow your great big knot of craziness, would you?
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