Here's a sneak peak at stages I submitted for Sunday's 3-Gun Fun Match.
Can you detect a motif?
This is Spartan!
Pistol - Start Position: Standing in box, shooting arm pointed level downrange.
On start signal, draw and engage P1 through P13. All steel must fall.
Shotgun - Start Position: Standing in box, shooting arm pointed level downrange. Loaded shotgun held at center of gravity in off hand.
On start signal, engage P1 through P13. All steel must fall.
Tonight, We Dine in Helena!Pistol: Start Position: Seated at Table A, fists on table.
On start signal, draw and engage P1 through P6. From Box B, engage T1 through T5. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Pistol/Shotgun - Start Position: Seated at Table A, fists on table. Shotgun staged safely on Table A.
On start signal, engage P1 through P6 with birdshot and S1 and S2 with slugs. Ground riotgun safely and from Box B, draw and engage engage T1 through T5. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, slug targets one hit, and all steel must fall.
PhalanxesPistol - Start position: Standing in Box A, normal ready.
On start signal, draw and engage in any order T1 through T8 from Box A. Advance to behind fault line B and engage T9 through T14. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize.
Pistol/Rifle - Start Position: Standing in Box A, normal ready. Rifle grounded on Table B.
On start signal, draw and engage in any order T1 through T8 from Box A. Advance to behind Table B, safely ground pistol and with rifle engage T9 through T14. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize.
Fight in the ShadePistol - Start position: On one knee in Box A, shooting hand shading eyes.
On start signal, engage T1 through T5 from behind pistol fault line. Each paper target requires two hits to neutralize.
Rifle - Start position: On one knee in Box A, shooting hand shading eyes, rifle held at port arms in off hand.
On start signal, engage T1 through T5 from behind rifle fault line. Each paper target requires two hits to neutralize.
Labels: gunfun