Sunday, October 30, 2005
Please, God, Just Let Me Beat the Old Guy!
Now, where was I? Perhaps discovering that my one-year-old truck had a cracked windshield this morning was an omen. Maybe I should have gone to the range yesterday instead of playing Steel Panthers and watching football. Anyway, I had fun at the Pima 3-Gun Match located in the foothills of Mt. Lemmon in Catalina. Rob from Cactus League showed up with friends of his, glad I'd tipped him off to this match. It's a rare thing; These matches only fall on 5th Sundays not falling on a holiday or a monsoon or a when there are more than two Russians in orbit around the Earth at any one time.
My first stage was classic boneheadedness. It was a pistol stage which transitioned to shotgun...and after I shot all my pistol targets rather rapidly, I stopped and cleared my gun and waited for the range officer to declare the range clear. Well, he just stared at me till I raced over to the shotgun cursing like a Viking and finished the stage. I hope this entertains you all. I was resigned to finishing dead last until the rather elderly gent on my squad (who was only one of the four of us shooting Heavy Metal) finished with no ammo and a few shotgun poppers left standing. I playfully ribbed him about giving me some hope. He said it was only the second time he'd fired the gun and he wasn't expecting it to shoot so high.
The next stage was two stages in one; eight stationary clay pigeon targets arrayed behind a barricade. On one of them, you'd end up shooting your riotgun from your weak side. This was especially horrific for those of us using pump guns. I didn't do badly.

Anyway, I've got to learn to slow down faster. The stage was two distant steel and five headshots from Box A, then same from Box B, then transition to riotgun to shoot eight "dog" poppers and clang one slug off a designated steel target.

Our squad also mentored a new shooter to the sport. He was pretty down on himself the first stage after making some mental errors. I said, "Dude! Enjoy this! You've got an excuse! I've been doing this for years and look how bad I sucked!" I think that helped break the ice, and he got a bit more fluid in the later stages.

And in the next shooting bay, the Class III guys showed off some neat hardware and busted beau coup caps:

Oh...and next weekend? Here's a preview!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Twenty-One Feet
By: Frank Borelli
It is common knowledge that a suspect, armed with an edged weapon and within twenty-one feet of a police officer presents a deadly threat. Why? Because the "average" man can run that twenty-one feet in about one-point-five seconds; the same one-point-five seconds it will take that police officer to recognize danger, draw and point his weapon, and then pull the trigger. Even if the officer manages to get the shot off, and even if it hits the suspect; even if it instantly disables the suspect, the blade is going to be so close to the officer that the suspect's momentum may continue forward with enough force for the edged weapon to end up injuring the officer anyway.
The information contained in the above paragraph has long been accepted in police and court circles. "If a man has a knife and is within twenty-one feet, he presents a deadly threat and the use of deadly force against him is justified." Here is the question then: How far away does that suspect, armed with an edged weapon, have to be before he's not a deadly threat? A gentleman named Magliato shot a "bad guy" who was armed with a baseball bat and standing thirty-two feet away. The courts convicted Magliato claiming that at a distance of thirty-two feet, the suspect with the baseball bat could not present deadly force against Magliato; perhaps they were wrong.
If it takes a man a mere one-point-five seconds to run across twenty-one feet, how long would it take to go thirty-two feet? The simple answer would be to add half, right? If thirty-two feet is about one-and-one-half times twenty-one, then one-and-one-half times the time of one-point-five seconds should be correct. Wrong. That one-point-five seconds for running twenty-one feet is from a dead stop. To assume that thirty-two feet would take fifty percent longer would be a mistake because you would have to assume that the bad guy started, stopped at twenty-one feet, restarted and then reached thirty-two feet. Reality is quite different. If you accepted that logic, the time would be about two-point-two-five seconds. In reality it would be less than two seconds.
Read the rest.
Friday, October 28, 2005
"Shields Down, Mister Sulu"
Star Trek's 'Sulu' Comes Out of Closet
Friday, October 28, 2005
LOS ANGELES - George Takei, who as helmsman Sulu steered the Starship Enterprise through three television seasons and six movies, has come out as a homosexual in the current issue of Frontiers, a biweekly Los Angeles magazine covering the gay and lesbian community.
Takei told The Associated Press on Thursday that his new onstage role as psychologist Martin Dysart in "Equus" helped inspire him to publicly discuss his sexuality.
Takei described the character as a "very contained but turbulently frustrated man." The play opened Wednesday at the David Henry Hwang Theater in Los Angeles, the same day that Frontiers magazine featured a story on Takei's coming out.
The current social and political climate also motivated Takei's disclosure, he said.
"The world has changed from when I was a young teen feeling ashamed for being gay," he said. "The issue of gay marriage is now a political issue. That would have been unthinkable when I was young."
The 68-year-old actor said he and his partner, Brad Altman, have been together for 18 years.
The funny thing is, the other night on Too Late with Adam Corrolla, Adam and his guest Andy Dick were playing "Gay, Straight, or Dead," and when Takei's picture popped up, he was ruled "Straight,"based on the show's contact with Takei's publicist. I wonder if that's what drove him out of the closet. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Wednesday Inbox Funnies

A professor was giving a lecture on "Involuntary Muscular Contractions" to first year medical students. Realizing that this was not the most riveting subject the professor decided to lighten the mood slightly. He pointed to a young woman in the front row and said, "Do you know what your ass hole is doing while you're having an orgasm?" She replied, "He's probably drinking beer at the bar with his friends."
Two rednecks from Oklahoma were sitting around talking one afternoon.
After a while the first fellow says to the second, "If'n I was to sneak over to your trailer Saturday and make love to your wife while you was off huntin', and she got pregnant and had a baby, would that make us kin?"
The second fellow crooked his head sideways for a minute, scratched his head, and squinted his eyes thinking real hard about the question.
Finally, he says, "Well, I don't know about that, but it sure would make us even."
Amy, a blond Texas girl from the city, marries a Texas rancher. One morning, on his way out to check on the cows, the rancher says to Amy, "The artificial insemination man is coming over to impregnate one of our cows today. I drove a nail into the two-by-four just above the cow's stall in the barn. You show him where the cow is when he gets here, okay?"
The rancher leaves for the fields. After a while the artificial insemination man arrives and knocks on the front door. Amy takes him down to the barn.
They walk along a long row of cows and when she sees the nail, she tells him, "This is the one . . .right here."
Terribly impressed by what he assumed was just another ditzy blond, the man asks, "How did you know this is the cow to be bred?" "That's simple -- by the nail over its stall," Amy explains.
Then the man asks, "What's the nail for?"
As she walks away, she turns her head back over her shoulder and says to the man, "I guess it's to hang your pants on."
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I've Been a Bad Boy

Yup...I dug into the Halloween candy tonight.
Normally I walk around like an old man the day of and some of the day after a particularly athletic shoot. Sunday, the only pain was from the blisters I get on my toes. Monday, I was just pooped (had my first daytime nap since I quit drinking). Now TODAY the abused muscles are complaining. So a little chocolate was called for.
No oatmeal for breakfast this morning...I realized that I need to use up all the perishables in there before my trip, so I made a kick-ass Spanish-Irish omelette (gotta use potatoes too). Got my daily dose of Vitamin D by driving the convertible to get emissions tested. October in Tucson is the best time to put the ragtop down and zoom around downtown. Actually it was perfect up in Phoenix too. By the end of the match, I wasn't all sweaty (or when the humidity is really low, crusty). It'll be a shock to my system to end up back East next week in the chilly November drizzle. Oh well, I'm growing my beard out for braving the Arctic winds of the Poconos. Must remember not to pack shorts.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Goblins to the Left of Me, Zombies to the Right

Vampires, Zombies, and Werewolves...Oh, My!
Starting Position: Standing normal ready in Box A with stakes in hand, loaded pistol in holster. On start signal, engage V1 with one stake and enage zombies P1 through P3 and T1 through T4 while standing in V1 so he can't pull out the stake. Engage V2 with one stake and engage P4 through P8 while standing on V2. Stakes must remain in cans for hits to count.
After the zombies are zapped, engage werevolves (T5 and T6) only with ammunition prepostioned on table...these are the silver bullets!
Starting Position: Standing normal ready in Box A with stakes in hand, loaded pistol in holster, loaded shotgun grounded on table with safety on. On start signal, engage V1 with stake and standing on V1 engage left array with pistol; ground unloaded pistol on table, grab stake and riotgun and enage V2 with stake, then engage right array with riotgun while standing on V2. After the zombies are zapped, engage werevolves (T5 and T6) with one slug each only with ammunition prepostioned on table. Shooters who elect not to use slugs may ground their unloaded shotgun on the table, and engage the werewolves (T5 and T6) with pistol, only with ammo prepositioned on the table.

Take THAT, Bela Lugosi!

Starting Postition: Seated with unloaded pistol grounded at Table A, on start signal engage T1 through T5 and P1 through P3 through Barrel B. From Box C, engage T6 through T9. (The Course of Fire Committee moved T1 and T2 to be engaged through barrel.)
Starting Position: Seated with unloaded pistol and unloaded rifle grounded at Table A, on start signal engage T1 through T5 and P1 through P3 through Barrel B. From Box C, engage T6 through T9 and PP1 through PP7. Paper requires two hits to score.

Rob "Zombie," a British expat, uses local Arizona technology to fight off the charging hordes of goblins. His Carbon-15 with two optical sighting systems would put him in the Open Class in real 3-Gun competition, even though his Glock pistol and Remington riotgun would fall in the Tactical Class.

He and his brother Chuckie (only a distant relation to the Jon Gruden doll) shot faster than I did with my SOCOM-16.

Small no-shoot targets are white economy paper plates.
Starting Position: Standing at Table A, normal ready. On start signal engage T1 through T8.
Starting Postition: Standing at Table A, normal ready. On start signal engage T1 through T4 with pistol. Ground unloaded pistol on table. Engage T5 through T8 with rifle.

The Course of Fire Committee upped the number of "children" being carried off for demonic sacrifice; I put two of them out of their misery and missed a few of the cultists.

Escape from the Lab
Starting Position: Standing straddling Cone A with fingers interlaced on top of head facing uprange (must hold onto brains!), loaded pistol grounded on Table B with safety on. On start signal, wreck the mad scientist's machine (Texas Star) and engage his two robotic minions, P1 and P2 (beware of the body on the slab). Carrying talisman/crucifix in hand, move to Box C and engage plate rack. Advance to Box D and engage zombies T1 through T3. All shots outside the lab must be made with talisman/crucifix in hand; it may be shifted out for reloading.
Starting Position: Standing straddling Cone A with fingers interlaced on top of head facing uprange, loaded riotgun and loaded pistol grounded on Table B with safeties on. On start signal, with riotgun, wreck the mad scientist's machine (Texas Star) and engage his two robotic minions, P1 and P2 (remove no-shoot for riotgun). Ground unloaded shotgun on table. Carrying talisman/crucifix in hand, move to Box C and engage plate rack with pistol. Advance to Box D and engage zombies T1 through T3. All shots outside the lab must be made with talisman/crucifix in hand; it may be shifted out for reloading.

Oops! Don't leave without the crucifix! They'll eat you alive without it! The range officer will eat you alive and DQ you if you violate the 180 rule as I almost did.

My camera ran out of memory before I could film Jon, a real life laboratory "Igor."
Final update: Scores are up! Jon beat everybody in riotgun and scored 4th out of 9 riflemen (the top 3 used little girlie ARs). A bunch of Master class shooters and one Grand Master blazed through the course, but didn't have as much fun as we did!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Carnival of Cordite #35
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Check it Out

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Something to Spice up the Morning Oatmeal

October 19 Spotted Lynx

Jeff does his weekly Check on the Bias thing. If you're a gun blog fan, I probably didn't need to tell you that.
Air Force Pundit brings this quote from Ralph Peters:
If the day comes when the last U.S. troops leave a peaceful, democratic, prosperous Iraq, the headlines will read: "FAILURE IN IRAQ: THREE SUNNIS STILL UNHAPPY.Read the Rest.
Blackfive visits Walter Reed.
Stickwick Stapers has cool astronomy geek stuff.
Head posts pics from a pretty cool-looking shoot.
Happiness is Iraq in your rearview mirror. Looks like Hurl's out of the Sandbox too! Gotta look for a whole new batch of deployed Milbloggers.
Stop by American Drumslinger and wish him a Happy Blog Day! Mature adults only.

Froggy on "Seal Discos" and Blue Falcons.
James Rummel ponders "Who's got the hottest Army chicks?"
Surefire learns that chewing tobacco is not compatible with Aaaarrrrrrmy Training, sir!
Phil sez Saddam Hussein must be innocent. Who knew?
Jeff Goldstein recounts the story of the discovery of an Frozen Airman.
Vultures Row has Sneaky Russian Tricks: Plasma Stealth Aircraft and Fishing Trawlers running from the Weejins.
Buying a 1911? Check out Xavier's Guide! He's also a smart purveyor of wheelguns.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Rama-damned Funny
On Monday I had to take depositions in a case where both the plaintiff and the defendant are Muslims. It was nice, because even though I ran way long interrogating the defendant, his attorney couldn't make me break for lunch.
Redneck Tuesday!
Also, new to the Blogroll: Ignert Redneck!
A 20-year-old Centre man was injured Sunday when he fell out of a truck driven by his brother in an attempt to spit his tobacco juice. Brandon Thompson apparently opened the door of the truck he was riding in with his brother to spit just as the truck turned off of Hwy. 9 and onto County Road 65. When the truck turned, Thompson was spilled out onto the pavement. He was not seriously injured but was transported to Cherokee Baptist Medical Center for treatment.

Hoarked from assorted PWGers, except for the blogroll link--from Desert Cat.
Last, but not least, something to reinforce my cowboy cred: My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Sorry Guys, Still Not a Player

I'm going to be out of town on Ammo Day anyway, but I promise to shoot some up that week. I shall spread the word afar...right after I get all that ammo back into the steel cabinet!