Weekend Caption/Photoshop Contest

Whatever floats your goat!
Got a better caption or photoshop for this picture? You could win a coveted Blog Ad on my side bar!
Leave a caption or photo link in comments, or Email a pic to me at the address in my profile. Since ImageShack has been quirky lately, if you're sending a large animation, please provide a hot-linkable URL.
You need not own a blog to win! I'll advertise your favorite charity, web site, or even your favorite baby picture!! Judging begins Monday PM.

This might have been even funnier if I knew anything about Boksburg....
Ator of The Lone Blade Clan (see Blog Roll) wins another one!
Honorable Mention to Parallax Adjustment's Shooter for:
This may have been on Skippy's list while he was serving...but he's not in the military anymore!
Other Contests
Gone Rick Motel (1st Place last week!)

S.Y.L.G. (2nd Place last week)

Rodney Dill
Bagel Blogger
Bullwinkle Blog
Right Pundits

Labels: caption pshop
At 12:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Gee Paris...your'e HOT!
At 12:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
"A jug of booze, a swimming pool, and thou."
At 6:10 AM,
Rodney Dill said…
It doesn't get any better than this in Little Rock.
At 6:11 AM,
Rodney Dill said…
BTW, Great rabbit photoshop
At 9:37 AM,
Ator said…
Buff and the love of his life during Spring Break 2007
Buff and his mother-in-law really get along well after a few shots...
At 9:38 AM,
Ator said…
Ooops - forgot about my pic! Please go and view - thanks!
At 10:02 AM,
shooter said…
This may have been on Skippy's list while he was serving...but he's not in the military anymore!
At 1:35 PM,
Buckaroo Banzai said…
Fat, drunk, and goat-loving is no way to go through life, son.
At 2:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let the Scots have their sheep.
I've got something better!!!
At 7:44 PM,
trainer said…
Ah, goats and prune juice...the good life started after Biff converted to Islam.
At 9:37 PM,
LBJ said…
Here's looking at you KID. . . .
At 9:05 AM,
Serr8d said…
A variation on the old "UT Date Night" pic that floated around a while back...
At least I left him floating!
At 6:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jim Beam ... $17.99
Pool Toys ... $23.99
Getting caught in a sexual tryst with a farm animal ... Priceless
At 8:08 PM,
John DuMond said…
First it was Pamela and Tommy's home videos. Then it was Paris Hilton's sex tape. Now, Jack Black's honeymoon pics are the latest thing to wind up on the internet.
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