I See Dead Peeps

I don't celebrate Lent because giving up anything meaningful would make my life unbearably miserable, and giving up something trivial would make Lent meaningless. I did "fast" on Good Friday, though -- no meat or alcohol.
For breakfast today, I had three slices of bacon and a six-pack of beer. (I kid! I kid!)
For dinner, I plan meat, meat, and a handful of jelly beans.
Update: In case God's keeping track, I gave up cigars and driving the Stang for Lent... I've got a drained battery to prove the latter. Ya think God hates a gamer?

Update Update Update: Ay Carumba! I'm three hours away from a Muriel Coronella and the Pope and all his Cardinals, Bishops, Monsignors, and Pederast Priests are laughing at me. Hey... it's Greenwich Meantime somewhere, isn't it?
Labels: funnies?, tis the season
At 9:35 AM,
BobG said…
"For breakfast today, I had three slices of bacon and a six-pack of beer."
You need to cut back to two slices of bacon, for your health.
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