Overheard at the Obama Household

What is it this time, Barry? Did he mention your lack of experience and Senatorial accomplishments?
No, sweetheart --
Barry, did he dare question your judgment in associating with Reverend Jeremiah Wright?
No, honeybun --
Did he bring up our lack of pride in the achievements of a bunch of old white guys in suits?
Uh, no, Sugar Bear... he called me a "Rock Star!"
A "Rock Star!" That cracker sonuvabitch! How we gonna court the College White Chick Vote with them labellin' you like that. Now go out there and put a cap in someone!
What kind of cap? A baseball cap?
(Shiiiiit... who do I gotta bang to live in the White House? Where's Davey Paterson's number?)
[Disclosure: Subject's ears were enlarged for caricature effect. Skin tone used as found, and some spotlit highlights were darkened to match mated photograph lighting. Script was fictionalized dramatization.]
At 11:38 PM,
Serr8d said…
But...where's the sideways-held nickel-plated Saturday Night Special?
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