Cowboy Blob's Saloon and Shootin Gallery

I'm not a real Cowboy, but I play one in the movies.

Friday, August 11, 2006


I'm sorta pleased with myself...I didn't stray from the diet and buy some recreational beverages. Instead, I donated platelets at the Red Cross. Would have been nice if I'd known I'd be donating platelets when I walked in there. Apparently I'd called the apheresis phone number (left on my answering machine) instead of the whole blood donation number. I'd wondered why they gave me a 4 pm I know.

The center really went high-tech since my last platelet thingie...they've got flatscreen DVD players (replacing the VCRs) to keep the captive donor amused during the long process. Even though I own The Last Samurai, I still haven't taken the shrinkwrap off the DVD box, so I watched that. For some reason, they could only get one unit of platelets out of me, so I was done before the movie ended. That'll give me something to do this weekend--finish the movie!

When I got home the second time, I spotted a nastygram from the Yard Nazis in my mailbox. Apparently, the remainder of my dead century/agave plant has got to go. It was nice and cloudy, so I got right on it. I filled up a garbage can with husks, taking care not to over-exert myself or strain my donor arm. Still have lots to do this weekend, if I can resist the siren call of watching preseason football in my underwear.

But right now...I feel like that kitty. I'm fighting to stay awake so I don't end up waking up at oh-dark-thirty like I have been.


  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger .- said…

    well I am mightily impressed.


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