Cowboy Blob's Saloon and Shootin Gallery

I'm not a real Cowboy, but I play one in the movies.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Weekend Caption/Photoshop Contest

Sticky: Scroll down for new stuff.

Got a better caption or photoshop for this pic? You could win a coveted Blog Ad on my side bar!

Leave a caption or photo link in comments, or Email a pic to me at the address in my profile. If you're sending a large animation, please provide a hot-linkable URL. You need not own a blog to win! I'll advertise your favorite charity, web site, or even your old Halloween costumes.

Check out the links in Drinks Ordered for photoshops!

Judging begins Monday p.m.


Lil Bro wins with:
Through genetic engineering, Oompa Loompas are now enjoying mainstream lifestyles.
Other Contests:

Support your Local Gunfighter
Family Security Matters
Outside the Beltway
RT's Ponderings
Military Times



  • At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Wyatt Earp said…

    The WWE would like to welcome new competitors Mr. Burnt and his valet, Sienna.

  • At 6:05 PM, Anonymous lil bro said…

    Through genetic engineering, Oompa Loompas are now enjoying mainstream lifestyles.

  • At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Another failed genetic engineering experiment.

  • At 7:00 PM, Blogger AnarchAngel said…

    Now available in regular, and extra crispy.

  • At 7:01 PM, Blogger AnarchAngel said…

    Poor Bob... no-one told him about he unfortunate side effects of natural male enhancement.

  • At 9:03 PM, Blogger Grandpa-Old Soldier said…

    Don't know about any caption, but that is one big ugly sumbitch.

  • At 11:20 PM, Blogger Cargosquid said…

    Oompa loompa for the win!

    I have no words.......

  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger John DuMond said…

    Tan in a can, now available in a convenient 55 gallon drum!

  • At 1:12 PM, Blogger Kristophr said…

    Weight training does not fix ugly ... it enhances it.

  • At 3:33 PM, Blogger Fearless Leader said…

    Look it's "Toxic TurdMan" !

  • At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Maggie Mama said…

    Arnold and Maria Schriver love Halloween because she gets to don a blond wig.

  • At 12:14 AM, Blogger Timmeehh said…

    GIRL: Do you want to know how I lost over 200lbs? See this thing standing beside me? I just pulled it out of my ass.

  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger Serr8d said…

    Now, finally, we have an answer to that ever-burning question: "Is it safe to douche if you have a Copper IUD...?".

  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger El Capitan said…

    After a photo was posted on a bodybuilding website, investigators had a pretty good lead on the identity of the hijacker of the truckloads of Weight Gain 4000 (BEEFCAKE!) and Tan-In-A-Can.

  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger sig94 said…

    Mortician Melanie Mordue proudly displays her latest project, The Corpse Tanning Salon. For just pennies a day you can display your dearly departed as if he died and was toasted on a beach in Aruba for a week.

    Bicep blow ups optional.


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