Weekend Caption Cage Match
Mobilize your best caption and/or photoshop or submit to indoctrination from the political officer! The Central Two Day Plan ends Monday night.
Photo from Yahoo News.
Update: Geez, I hate judging and winning my own contest. I tried to get some of my E-pen pals to judge for me, but got no responses by now. I'll try a second set of judges and hope to have a declaration by tonight.
Update: The votes are in! Beloved Leader won the day, while the following captions gain Honorable Mention:
"Buffet Crosed! You heah 4 howah!" - Cowboy Blob
"Quick, Quick, Quick...Over there...A Dog!" - Dennis
"Jimmah Cahtah. Uncle Kim wants You!" - Azlibertarian
"No Egg Drop Soup for you!" - The Man
Thanks you, Judges, for your time and consideration.
Photoshop Entries
Beloved Leader
"You Ain't Nothing But a Capitalist Dog"
GOP & the City
"Even Tipper thinks Al has taken the Eco-Warrior thing too far."
Outside the Beltway (First and Second places last week): Just Say No.
Gonerick Motel (First place last week): Bitch Stole my Bikes!
Electric Venom (First place last week): Robot Relativity.
Clash of Civilizations: (Second place last week): Horny, horny hippos!
It was a good week!
GOP & the City (Last week's winner): Service with a Snooty Smile.
Willisms has the Dear Leader.
RightLinx has a Dos Chicas Bonitas!
Bullwinkle Blog wants to Pump! You Up!
Commonwealth Conservative's eatin' something yucky.
Sgt Stryker has balloons.
Wizbang has a New Direction.
The Right Place has The Scion, the Witch, and the Saprobe, whatever that means.
Limey in Bermuda has what I suspect are local politicians.
That's not what *I* saw....
At 6:32 AM, AlanDP said…
You--with the rocks. Cover me!
At 9:13 AM, Dr. StrangeGun said…
Dude looks like he should have his one round nestled squarely in his shirt pocket. "Kiiiiim-Jung! The town drunk walked through the neutral zone again!"
That's one skinny soldier, too... having a million man army sounds impressive but not so much when they're all walking skeletons that may drop dead on the march to SoKr before the first shot's even fired...
At 10:53 AM, azlibertarian said…
Back in the day, I had a little organized visit to Panmunjom, and IIRC, pointing or jesturing were strictly forbidden (by our side, at least). We were told everything we did was subject to being photographed and potentially used for propoganda purposes by the Norks.
But to play along in the caption thingi, how about....
"Jimmah Cahtah. Uncle Kim wants You!"
"Hey you! Watch out! You're about to step into my kimchee pot!"
At 11:20 AM, Anonymous said…
No Egg Drop Soup for you!
At 9:07 PM, Serr8d said…
Just group all of the America Haters together...
Nice Group, huh?
At 11:20 PM, Anonymous said…
Quick, Quick, Quick...Over there...A Dog!
At 1:18 AM, Anonymous said…
He can point it every direction but up.
(Cowboy Blob, in honor of your great week, our appeals committee at RightLinx has awarded you our first ever First-and-a-Half Award. Who are we to rain on your parade?)
At 1:18 AM, Anonymous said…
(last comment from McCain.
At 5:40 PM, AlanDP said…
I would vote for Beloved Leader's photoshop.
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