About Me
- Name: Cowboy Blob
- Location: Lehighton, PA, United States
Professional Hermit, Recovering Technical Writer, Student Film Maker
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Outtakes from a Silent Western

At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
No, that's Fluffy.
Cerberus has a serpent for a tail, is much larger than this - though probably not larger than Fluffy was in the movie.
Also, Cerberus never leaves the gates to the caves of Stygia. (Or did Hades send him to fetch someone back who had escaped from the underworld?)
At 10:02 PM,
Cowboy Blob said…
The final labor of Hercules was to capture him (see Wikipedia).
At 10:20 PM,
AlanDP said…
I did.
But then I once laboriously wrote out a family tree of the Greek gods, just for fun. It turned into a big wall poster about 2 sheets of paper tall and 4 sheets of paper wide.
At 9:51 AM,
LBJ said…
Hercules was able to bring Cerberus to the land of the living as the last of his 12 labors but only one other soul was able to sneak past him,Orpheus, who lulled it to sleep by playing his lyre,(or sneaking a couple of Benadryl's in his Cerberus chow.)
Rowling "borrowed" the concept, leaving off the serpents tail and naming her creature "Fluffy".
You know the Harry Potter thing has gotten out of hand when GUND, the company that makes all those cute little stuffed bears you see at Hallmark are marketing a three headed "fluffy" stuffed toy.
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