Cowboy Blob's Saloon and Shootin Gallery

I'm not a real Cowboy, but I play one in the movies.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Shootin Gallery PSA

Starting with the Asian lady in the banner above, I've begun the practice of, as well as I am able, altering my Gun Pr0n cheesecake photos that contain egregious trigger-finger violations. Thereby improving these images as a major public safety concern, I feel much better about hoarking a photographer's work without permission. Of course, I'll leave photos as originally branded, unless they're inserted into a larger work where that is not practical. The Alba Cowgirl pic and the Asian Lady both came from the splendid artist at Alex in Wonderland.

Ya know, that might be a practice to be encouraged among us gunbloggers. For those of you without editing software, I'm willing to make the changes for you and Email it back. I'm no master, but I can smear a finger and add a trigger at least as well as some ex-Reuters employees could clone smoke.


  • At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Seriosly well-equipped is well, ... oops ... glanced at the picture again and lost my train of thought.


    Thanks from Traction Control


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