Bersa .380 Drum Mag: Is this just WRONG?

A DRUM magazine for the Bersa Thunder (.380?). (At Cheaper Than Dirt)
I saw some of these for sale at the BX today. A 22-round magazine for the lightweight, concealable semi-auto favored by some of my favorite lady bloggers. I guess you can carry one in your purse or large fanny pack just in case you need to provide suppressive fire for a fighting retreat or storming a stronghold, but really, is there a market for super-cap mags for marginally effective .380 ACPs?
What say you, Thunder fans?
At 4:14 AM,
Adam said…
"Super cap" not quite at only 22 rounds.
But OTOH, hell yeah! they need to make one for my .380 Thunder plus too.
At 7:50 AM,
Carteach said…
Um.... well.... I guess it has a 'neat' factor. Not a 'useful' factor, but not everything has to be useful. Neat has value too.
At 1:49 PM,
BobG said…
A solution in search of a problem.
At 3:26 PM,
Cargosquid said…
Since the round is "marginally effective," that means you have to shoot the target A LOT.
So this is a necessary item, fro safety and defensive reasons.
And I won't have to buy so many magazines.
That's what I'm going to tell the wife and I'm sticking to it.
At 9:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm changing to a CZ 83, 12 round mag for my conceal carry. using Pow-R-Ball ammo, I feel it is effective against the zombies. The CZ is all steel. Can't wait to try it out in a match.
At 2:20 PM,
Sigivald said…
Fun. That's all the excuse it needs.
At 9:03 PM,
Cargosquid said…
Its getting mixed reviews at Cheaperthandirt.
Either it works or it breaks.
At 1:41 PM,
Desert Cat said…
Bahahaha! Too funny. The Bersa Thunder .380 is supposed to be lightweight and highly concealable/carryable. This kind of obviates the point.
I will be buying Daisycat's Bersa off her when she gets her new gun. Something like this might be fun but pretty ridiculous for serious use. I suppose I could keep it in my vehicle for clearing a serious zombie cluster on my way out of dodge...
Still, 7+1 rounds of .45 ACP or 22 rounds of .380? I'll probably reach for the 45 first if my Remington 870 is not handy.
At 12:25 PM,
Veeshir said…
Yeah, I'm wondering how I'm going to fit that into my ankle holster.
They are missing a trick by not having a discount deal with that and a pistol bayonet.
At 7:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's great for the range..not to conceal. I think that's the purpose.
At 10:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure about the comment ?marginally effective" and a "ladies Pistol" I've been toting around my Bersa Thunder Plus for 3 years ,shot easily 2500 rounds and not 1 time did I have a fail of anykind, so you may not like it too much but I'd rely on this anytime.
At 7:02 AM,
Unknown said…
Will a 22 round drum work on a 380 colt mustang?? just curious ??.
At 11:17 AM,
Cowboy Blob said…
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "No." If Thunder and Mustang mags were interchangeable, that fact would be pimped by Bersa pretty hard.
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