My buddy Chief surprised me with a wonderful gifty this weekend, an M-1 Carbine! He knew I had one or two Universal carbines from our days in West Texas a decade or three ago and picked up a little war-era Saginaw M-1 Carbine in a private sale. Since he already had an IBM carbine of comparable quality, he decided to spread the hoplo-happiness to me, rather than start an M-1 menagerie (he is shopping for another gun safe though, so who knows?).

What did Santa bring
Labels: gunfun, roadtrip, tis the season
At 1:27 AM,
danno said…
At 2:20 PM,
Jon said…
Awesome! That pic is just like old times... only you guys are a little grayer (just like me). Damn. I wish I were there and we were playing Six-gun Shootout or Cosmic Balance, eating some of Chief's grilled potatos and onions
At 12:07 AM,
ExurbanKevin said…
VERY nice! That's about as cool as a gift gets!
I've always loved the M1, and i consider it a much-maligned little weapon.
At 10:13 AM,
cmblake6 said…
Fine system, less than optimum round. It will work, however.
At 2:04 PM,
Firehand said…
I got curious a couple of years back and tried loading .30 Carbine using a Sierra Varminter 110-grain HP; worked out pretty well.
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