Stages as submitted to the Course of Fire Committee:

Pistol - Start Position: Standing in Box A, normal ready.
On start signal, draw and engage P1 through P6. From Box B, engage P7 through P11 and T1 through T6. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Pistol/Shotgun - Start Position: Standing in Box A, shotgun at port arms.
On start signal, engage P1 through P6. At Box B, ground safed shotgun and with pistol, engage P7 through P11 and T1 through T6. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Watch the Video
Pistol - Start Position: Standing in Box A, wrists above shoulders.
On start signal, draw and engage P1 through P10. From Box B, engage P11 through P15 and T1 through T4. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Pistol/Shotgun - Start Position: Standing in Box A, shotgun at one-handed port arms (held at center of gravity, not fore-grip), strong hand raised above shoulders.
On start signal, engage P1 through P10. At Box B, ground safed shotgun and with pistol, engage P11 through P15 and T1 through T4. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize, all steel must fall.
Watch the Video

Pistol - Start position: Standing in Box A normal ready.
On start signal, engage in any order T1 through T4. Advance to behind Charge Line B and engage T5 through T8. Advance to behind Charge Line C and engage T9 through T13. Shooter may be any distance behind Charge Line B but may not shoot from any position that permits Shoot-throughs at C Targets. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize.
Rifle - Start Position: Standing in Box A, rifle at low ready.
On start signal, engage in any order T1 through T4. With one foot contacting Cone B, engage T5 through T8. From Box C engage T9 through T13. Paper targets require two hits to neutralize.
Pistol - Start position: Seated at Table A, hands on table.
On start signal, from seated position engage P1 through P3 and T1 through T4. Through Barrel B, engage T5 through T7. From Box C, engage T8 through T10. Each paper target requires two hits to neutralize. All steel must fall.
Pistol/Rifle - Start position: Seated at Table A, hands on table. Rifle grounded safely on table.
On start signal, from seated position engage P1 through P3. From this point until the shooter leaves the Table, he or she may ground safed pistol and continue with rifle; rifle may not be used on T1 - T4 if steel remains standing. Engage T1 through T4. Through Barrel B, with rifle engage T5 through T7 and R1 through R3. From Box C, engage T8 through T10 and P1 through P7. Each paper target requires two hits to neutralize. All steel must fall.
Watch the Video [This movie used "Sit, Squat, Stand" as a template and the caption "The Competent Guys" remained after the new one didn't save, and I didn't catch it before uploading. Piter had to switch to Jon's Bushy when BOG2 decided not to extract a casing. %&*(*& BoG2!]
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