Cowboy Blob's Saloon and Shootin Gallery

I'm not a real Cowboy, but I play one in the movies.

Monday, November 06, 2006

On the Sleep Thingy

Maybe if I stayed off the sauce for year or two, my sleep patterns would settle into something normal. I'll have to try that sometime. Here's what it's like when I try to sleep stone sober:

Okay, I've read a couple chapters of this book, and now my eyes and mind are getting kinda tired. [Turns off light, closes eyes, relaxes]
Hey, moving pictures! I must be asleep and dreaming! Yeehaw! Let's have some fun!
Ugh. It's still dark out...that didn't take very long. Let's try that again.
Uh-oh, some invisible fiend has his hands wrapped around my throat! Of course, I know I'm dreaming this...this sucks! Wake up! Uh...c'mon, this is really sucking now! Sh*t, I'm paralyzed. Wake up!
Still dark. If my clock wasn't blinking some random time, I'd know how long this sh*t was lasting.
[Try again.]
Whoohoo! Dana Delaney in a wet GI T-shirt! My vision is getting darker, darker....[fades to black]
[Close eyes, relax]
Damn, it's still dark out. [Checks stove clock, the only accurate clock in the house]
*&^*(& Three hours.
[Microwaves some instant coffee and launches the dial-up]
Maybe the East Coast bloggers have posted something!

Thus, my day begins.


  • At 8:46 AM, Blogger Daisycat said…

    I have the same trouble with my mind racing, rethinking about the days events, tomorrow etc. I take one-two benedryl and two decongestants and sleep like a rock. It probably has to do with our allergies, yours to the ferrets, mine to the cats I live with.

  • At 6:09 PM, Blogger LBJ said…

    Sleepy time Herbal Tea (that's the one with the bear on the box that looks like he's stoned), and lavender scent on the pillow. Oh screw it, I'm going to have 3 Bass Ales and shut my eyes.

  • At 6:01 AM, Blogger Jean said…

    Didn't know men had sleep problems like this...hmmm


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