My Working "Vacation"

Woohoo! Back in the saddle again! Lil Bro was able to chip in a day's digging, but I ended up doing most of the shovel work since I wasn't about to waste all the weekend working...I had all week for that! Lil Bro offered some great suggestions for leveling the November-built sidewalk and ensuring this one wasn't as lumpy...these suggestions wilted against hard rock just under the turf. Okay, we'll put some sand down and get the sucker finished!

Sure was nice having a relaxing range day before the grunt work began. I need an Advil just looking at this picture. Lil Bro was blessed with all the height in the family, but this was a case where being closer to the ground was beneficial.

The sidewalk ended up with a slight bend to the right (I over-corrected) but I won't have to worry about Mom wondering years from now how much she paid some contractor to build her sidewalk...she'll know by all its faults that it was built by sons with more love than talent.
At 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
awwwwwww that's sweet
i like the stone you used
looks good
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