Cowboy Blob's Saloon and Shootin Gallery

I'm not a real Cowboy, but I play one in the movies.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Chile Tonight

With a 95% chance of shrapnel showers, visibility reduced to zero by smoke dischargers.

Jon and I drew Chile assaulting Albania tonight. To jazz up his prong of the attack, he chose to make a heliborne assault. To cool down the LZ, he'd sneak ahead with marine/mechanized infantry, led by mine-clearing dozer-tanks, then throw up a wall of smoke with artillery, vehicle smoke dischargers, smoke grenades, and the flaming hulks of those unfortunate APCs that met the business end of recoilless rifles.

I took the highway, with a tank company embarking naval commandos, led by Sherman Dozers and expecting to slog my way through behind a curtain of artillery. Usually the AI is very mine savvy about roads, but we've not encountered any of the beastly things yet. My column greased through the FEBA against light resistance and I detailed a platoon of tanks to make a cavalry ride through his rear area. We're expecting my success will irk the computer out of his dug-in mode to start recovering objectives.

So...why are CB and Jon playing computer games on a Thursday night before a non-match weekend? 'Cuz Jon starts his new job Monday!


  • At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I gotta try some of the off brand armies...


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