Weekend Caption/Photoshop Contest

Got a caption or photoshop for this photo? You could win a coveted Blog Ad on my side bar!
Leave a caption or photo link in comments, or Email a pic to me at the address in my profile. If you're sending a large animation, please provide a hot-linkable URL.
You need not own a blog to win! I'll advertise your favorite charity, web site, or even those naughty webcam pics your wife has been taking.
Check out the links in Drinks Ordered for photoshops!
Judging begins Monday PM.
Serr8d's Photoshop!
Honorable Mention: Anonymous' caption:
Laptop with built-in webcam: $1100Current Contests:
Wireless modem and unlimited internet access: $79.99/mo.
Seeing your daughter on CollegeLesbianPillowFights.Com: Priceless.
Outside the Beltway (1st Place there last week!)
Gone Rick Motel
bRight & Early
Family Security Matters
Right Pundits
RT's Pondering
Support your Local Gunfighter
Labels: caption pshop
At 6:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
At the DNC convention, aides discover that Britney Spears has a better plan for handling six-party talks over North Korea than their proposed KFC franchise deal for Pyongyang.
At 10:00 PM,
shooter said…
Ron Paul just realized he's neither black, nor female, thus dashing all his hopes for the presidency.
At 12:50 AM,
Buckaroo Banzai said…
John reacts poorly to the naked Michelle Obama e-mail.
At 4:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Oh no! Not another LOLCAT forward!"
At 6:18 AM,
Rodney Dill said…
"What was my password?"
At 8:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Crap, how does a one-week vacation become two week's worth of personal e-mails?
At 9:20 AM,
The Duck said…
"Barack didn't say that did he?"
At 11:33 AM,
Grandpa-Old Soldier said…
Oh shit, I can't believe she put last our nights last nights hidden video sex fest on Youtube.
At 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
McCain, McCain, McCain... come on, Man!
At 8:36 PM,
Serr8d said…
John Edward, alone in a hotel room, staring at his laptop. (That's a pshop, not a caption).
At 11:48 PM,
Buckaroo Banzai said…
"I cannot believe someone set my home page to Cowboy Blob!"
At 1:04 AM,
Joanie said…
Maybe if I peek through my fingers just a little it won't be so bad. Fuck! It's that bad.
Da Goddess
At 11:12 AM,
BobG said…
"Oh no, not another 1911 versus GLOCK flame war..."
At 7:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mitt Romney just found 2 Girls 1 Cup.
At 8:41 PM,
Rodney Dill said…
"Elbonia Tech Support suggests you try plugging it in Sir."
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Laptop with built-in webcam: $1100
Wireless moden and unlimited internet acess: $79.99/mo.
Seeing your daughter on "College Lesbian Pillow Fights.Com": priceless
At 8:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I thought YOU did the back-up!
At 9:05 AM,
Serr8d said…
Hey, thanks, Cowboy!
It's always a pleasure to come here and read your blog, and to participate in your weekly contests.
You know I blame you for even being able to pshop at all, right? When I first started blogging, your pshop contests gave me the reason to continue. So, when lib'ruls and gov'nors find themselves in odd situations, they can blame...you. ;D
Thanks again!
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