Cowboy Blob's Saloon and Shootin Gallery

I'm not a real Cowboy, but I play one in the movies.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where did the week go?

After packing two matches and a video shoot into a weekend, I had to pack most of my homework into Sunday afternoon and all day Monday (oops! forgot to call Mom!). All my classes are packed into Tuesday and Wednesday, with 11 hours between my Tuesday night Editing class and my Wednesday morning Screenwriting class.

Wednesday afternoon was Screening Day for our first film, which was to be composed of 40 shots on a 100-foot roll (about 2:45) of 50 ISO film. Unfortunately, the film transfer company in CA dropped the ball on us and didn't get the digitized version of our footage to our editor until Tuesday! Our courageous editor worked like a madman, even skipping the beginning of Weds. class to maybe squeak it in, but as producer I pleaded that he just get a letter or Email from the transfer company (documenting their SNAFU) so we could get an extension from the Professor (and not take a grade hit for a late submission). So my other teammate and I sat through the screenings/critiques of our classmates' films wondering whether our editor was going to show up. He didn't, but gave me a call after I got home. I'm meeting him this afternoon to dub voices.

Sometimes I get my Video Production class mixed up with my Cinematography class -- the Professor does too, since some of us have bravely taken the two classes concurrently. As he was handing back our first Cine. quiz results, he remarked that the best score was by one person, who "only missed one item -- again." As this was our first quiz, he must have been referring to the Video class, where I also crushed the first quiz with only one item missed. I hope we get that extension -- I'd hate to see a good "A" ruined.



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